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"If I could turn back time.

If I could turn back time, I will go back to the day I met you for the first time. I will tell myself that I shouldn't get attached with a stranger. I shouldn't let my guards down. I shouldn't let myself falling for you. Because to me, once I fell in love & get attached with someone. It's hard for me to say goodbye to them. It's really hard for me to accept what's going on right now. It feels like I lose another part of myself. I never felt this kind of pain before. I just want to be happy. Why it's hard for us to be together. If I could turn back time, I hope I won't see your face because right now I am suffering a lot to forget you and our memories. I am still trying.

- Lucaspeebo."

The first time we met dekat IOI Mall Putrajaya, you baru habis competition climbing and you greeted Adam bcoz you're his friend and korg konon dah lama tak jumpa. Then he complained that I don't wanna do ice skating then you tried to pursue me but still failed. Then you also paid for our drinks but the changes I accidentally took it and put it into my purse. Totally forgot that time. After few days I need to contact you sbb nak pulangkan duit baki. I add you on Facebook and that's how became friend. You try to im me ws me and so on but that time saya tak layan bcoz I have Kinos. But when Im done with him, Im the one who are searching for you. I still remember we whatsapp a lot during raya 2015 but during raya 2016, the things became bad. Yes, I admit. Im the one who are looking at you first after I broke up. I try to be close to you in order to forget my ex. I know im mean, im sorry. But I didn't realized, day by day, I really fall for you. We became so close and im so happy with that, really happy. Then before I went to Jogja, I could feel that you became diff. When Im at Jogja, I can't stop thinking bout you, why and why? Then you update status about the dream or something make me feel more sceptic. Im mad, seriously im mad and sad but you said that it's your friend who hacked it. I'm not stupid. I appreciate honesty but I feel so sad because you lied to me. Why? That's the reason I pushed you, I asked you if you like me or not then you said yes and then you ditched me. You stop replying and so on. That is the moment when you stop contacting me, the moment everything is change. I know i was so selfish but I just need to know. During raya, I wish you a long msg but you didn't reply. You didn't wish me at all. I felt so sad you know. On my birthday, I sengaja ws you n sengaja bgitau you sbb I nak sgt birthday wish from you. And yes i got it and i felt so happy, more than you can imagine. Few months before your birthday, I planned manu things to surprise you. I even dm Raouf to know about your interest in climbing. But plan is just plan. You being cold day by day. You always ditch me, you never ws me, im the first who start the conversation but that's only if you feel like you want to reply it. Im human too. I have feelings. I felt so sad you know. But then the moment when I saw your tweets with Adaw, I felt extremely jealous. That's when everything happen. Everything tgat when I really feel that I need to let you go because you never look at me as the first time when you look at me. Before this, I always being dumped. People left me for someone else. Yes i do felt sad and hurt but I didn't know that to left and let go and give up on someone you really love for his happiness are more sadder and hurt. It's been two weeks and I never move on. People said times heal so I will keep waiting. But at this moment and still, I really deeply madly in love with you.  World are laugh at me because I kerp bumping into things that remind me of you, things that are related to you. But  hidup kena sedar diri, jangan terhegeh pada yg tak sudi. If I can grant one wish right mow, I want to unfriend you, I want us to keep being stranger. I will not accept your offer to buy me a drink. I won't add you on fb. I won't spam you. I won't follow you on twitter and ig. I won't get attached to you because so far that I've are the poison to my heart. You crumbled my heart that is already crumbling. You said you didn't want to get hurt but it's okay for you to hurt me? 🙈 I'm done 


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She's the type of girl that can be so hurt but still can give the brightest smiles