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Don't be selfish


So positive giant fibronomea and high possibility to get cancer. What can I expect? To live my life to the fullest. At this stage if I keep dreaming about getting married and have kids, it will be selfish aite? I mean, Im in disease now, how can I get married. Kesian laki aku nanti. Dah la berpenyakit, ntah boleh hidup lama ke tak. I dunno. So I've made my mind. I don't wanna get married. I will still loving him but to have him, I don't think so. I will slowly try to stop. Stop contacting him. Stop searching him. Stop everything. I am strong enough to do that aite? Yes you can wada. Please do so. Seriously please. Don't be selfish. 


Blogger Unknown said...

hey wada, if you want some company, just find me. i will always be there when you need help.


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