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Im bad. Too bad


It's been a while
I cried under the shower in bathroom
I cried on my bed under the blanket
I cried so hard 
Sampai tersedu2 n nafas tersekat
And im not crying because of love or man like I used to cry
But I cried because of me
Im too disappointed in myself 
I feel like I wanna give up in lifes
Life is hard man
But I gotta do good
I have to be strong 
I know I can
But sometimes I know I can't. 
At this moment, I literally hate everything 
Get annoying with everything 
I just want to disappear 
Eventho what I really want is to be found 
But seorg wada sgt menyusahkan.
Menyusahkan semua org.
The worst, menyusahkan family. 
Im bad. Too bad. 😔😭


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She's the type of girl that can be so hurt but still can give the brightest smiles