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Birthday syndrome


Birthday syndrome. Every year of august are not that nice to me. Lagi dekat birthday date lagi down aku. Kenapa? I should be happy aite? It's my birthday. The best day to thank my parents. Yup I'm glad to be born but i was sad. Most of the person that i love won't remember, are not with me and left me. Semua. Fuck you wada. Sebab lelaki jadi mcm ni. Nooooo even your friends don't remember it. Family je yg ingt and just a wish. I never celebrate my birthday. I don't know how it felt. Teringin. Never get  a present either. Downnya rasa. Hmmm. Another 10 days. Chill. Mcm tahun2 lepas. Celebrate alone. Dah biasa kan wada. Kau dah biasa keluar beli kek beli lilin tgk wayang and buat semua bnda sorg2 on your birthday. Just count in one for this time too. 10 days just 10


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She's the type of girl that can be so hurt but still can give the brightest smiles