Being alone is better
Im not talking bout single
Double is the best
Im talking bout alone
without friend, without lover, without family, without anyone
just alone
what for?
They didn't support me at all
'Kau tunggulah dia sampai mati'
Apa??? Bullshit ayat ni
Camni ke kawan?
Sudahlah, takpayah nak nak nasihatkan aku
Aku tengah happy ni
Can't you see it?
Bila aku tengah sedih, kau hilang
Xde pulak nak nasihatkan aku segala
Tapi sekarang bila aku tengah hepi
Kau jatuhkan semangat aku balik
Tahniah kawan,
Kau berjaya buat aku rasa mcm dumbass
Takpa aku masih ada kawan yang lain
Alone without friend
Everyone need a lover
One person should have only one lover
And i don't really understand
why still have cheaters out there
Because they
don't really appreciate things that they have
the things that not everyone have
for me, my lover is everything
Hes not my life, but the one I want to spend with
Hes not my world, but hes the best thing in it
Alone without lover,
Is not cool
As long as they don't know my problem
I will be beside of them
And when they already know my problem
Probably, I will run away
in name of shame
Alone without family
Is sad
I've become too sensitive
And I've nobody to share
A loner suits me well
Weh/// ak x mcm 2 kowt.... Ak sntiasa ingt kt ang snyum/mrah/glak ag yg mngilai tuh/prngai yg gila2/suara ag yg x mrdu suma 2 ak still ingt ( tp skunk ni x tau la cmna myby da xsma cm dlu kowt.. Tp ag x ingt kt. Ak da kowt... Xpe.. Xksah pown....idop kenkdang kt ats kenkdang kt bwah.....
Yg benar.
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