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Nizam dan Azwan


Two days I was in kindergarten (where my sister works) taught me a lot to be mature in life. There I learned how to control the children about their emotions, their feelings, their desires and their own ability level. These children can not concentrate on something more than 5 minutes. They prefer to daydream or do something more interesting to their attention such as games. But that's not what I'm gonna precise now. Right now, I want to tell about the two students that I met. The first student is Nizam, followed by Azwan.

Nizam is a cute little boy. His face is something like a famous artist Kamal Adli. He also like to smile. Comel je bila dy senyum. Then, Azwan which I called Dik wan is one of top student in the kindergarten class age of 5. All his school works is completed properly. Plus, he is also an active student his in class.

All of you who read this entry must be weird right, what I really want to precise. Actually I want to talk about their similarities. What are their similarities? their similarities is that both are the result of an illicit relationship. Yes, they are illegitimate or a bastard. Poor them, they are not guilty. Both of them have features that are not available to other students. They are special. They are 'something'. At the age of the younger members, I believe that they would not understand anything. But when they are adults and know the meaning of real life, they would feel sad and ashamed. Aite?

From the stories that I heard through my sister, they both cared for by their grandparents. Their parents are somehow disappearing. Poor them. At the small age already had to go through a very tough life truth. They must be jealous of other friends. Jangan yea nizam? Jangan sedih yea dik wan? Kakak yakin korang kuat kan? Kakak sentiasa doakan kehidupan korang yea. Semoga korang dapat lalui kehidupan korang dua dengan tabah. Insyaallah, Amin~

The end~


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She's the type of girl that can be so hurt but still can give the brightest smiles